LARC among teens increased 15-fold, but not enough


Among teens aged 15-19 years attending Title X clinics, LARC use increased from 0.4% in 2005 to 7.1% in 2013, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.[1] Why not higher? Commonly cited barriers include cost (60%), staff concerns about IUD use among teens (47%), and lack of training on insertion of implants (47%) and IUDs (38%).[2]

To help promote increased use of LARC methods, CDC has produced an informative brochure with infographics, reproduced here from

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[1] Romero L, Pazol K, Warner L, et al. Vital signs: trends in use of long-acting reversible contraception among teens aged 15-19 years seeking contraceptive services—United States, 2005-2013. MMWR 2015;64:363-9

[2] Kavanaugh ML, Frohwirth L, Jerman J, et al. Long-acting reversible contraception ofr adolescents and young adults: patient and provder perspetives. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2013;26:86-95.