We welcome you to our new website. Our key feature is a monthly LateBreaker examining the evidence and analyzing the conflicting reports on one of the challenging dilemmas you face in your everyday practice. These LateBreaker bulletins are an extension of our favorite session at our conferences, when our panel reports on a dozen topics too new to publish in the conference schedule.
Each month we also highlight a clinical pearl, taken from the pages of our reference textbook Contraceptive Technology. We summarize with a simple sentence or two, give brief foundational support, and tell you the page to turn to in our book if you want to read more.
For quick reference, click on the Resources tab. You can scroll through the pages of color photos of available hormonal pills. You can also find a user-friendly table on contraceptive efficacy, one you can share with your patients, who will find it easily understandable. From the pages of Contraceptive Technology, a listing of helpful phone numbers and websites for you and your patients covers a wide array of resources. We will add more over time, so keep checking.
If you are interested, check out our Contraceptive Technology conferences—three per year: East Coast, West Coast, and Atlanta. Click on the link or access the latest agenda of presentations at www.contemporaryforums.com. On that site, for a modest fee, you can also view any of dozens of presentations given at our recent conferences.
Copies of the 20th edition of Contraceptive Technology are available through the links on this site. If you wish to purchase multiple copies at discount prices, contact the publisher directly through the link provided on the Book tab.
Our mission is to produce and disseminate high quality, timely, and practical educational, reference, and training materials on contraceptive technology and reproductive health. We thank the talented clinicians and researchers who contribute to our conferences and book. And we are immensely grateful to our attendees and readers, whose work makes families healthier and sex safer.
Deborah Kowal, MA, PA, President & CEO, Contraceptive Technology Communications, Inc.